Question: Assalam o Alaikum,
I want to know that now a days it\'s become very common for both men and women doing waxing of face, arms and legs or whole body, are these things allowed in Islam? Similarly threading of eyebrows and upper-lips ? Hair cutting of women making bangs of front hairs? Please give detail about this issue and if you can tell me any Sayings of our Prophet Sallalahu Allaihe Wassallum related to all above issues, then I\'ll be very thankful to you.
Question: Assalam o Alaikum,
I want to know that now a days it\'s become very common for both men and women doing waxing of face, arms and legs or whole body, are these things allowed in Islam? Similarly threading of eyebrows and upper-lips ? Hair cutting of women making bangs of front hairs? Please give detail about this issue and if you can tell me any Sayings of our Prophet Sallalahu Allaihe Wassallum related to all above issues, then I\'ll be very thankful to you.